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Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems - Vishay Products Featured Applications

The fast growing embedded market is one of the most diverse in terms of end applications. Embedded includes traditional general purpose ‘embedded CPU’ platforms such as Medical, Robotics, Industrial Control, and Data Acquisition, but can also include Video Surveillance, Automotive, Point-of-Sale, and other more specialized applications. Vishay offers a wide variety of support products for all of these sub segment platforms, ranging from specialized Timing products like processor specific XO and clocks, to Bridge that can connect the latest PCIe based embedded processor families to legacy protocols such as PCI-X, PCI, USB, UART, and more. In fact, Vishay Timing, Switching, and Signal Conditioning products are already used in most embedded platform applications with the most popular embedded processors.


Embedded processors can include CPU chipsets from major CPU vendors, SOC, and FPGA from major vendors which are used across all embedded segments. As an example, the FPGA-Vishay block diagram illustrates the many I/O, power management, and timing functions that Vishay can provide.


Medical Device

Vishay offers the medical device industry’s best combination of bundled solutions optimized for performance and bill-of-materials (BOM) cost.


Multi-Function Printer

Multi-function Peripheral (MFP) applications have been, and continue to be, a primary market segment focus for Vishay.


Smart Grid

Vishay provides a comprehensive range of IC and FCP products for Smart Grid applications.



Vishay delivers a broad range of Video Decoder, PCI Bridge and Packet Switches, Video Switches and Repeaters. 


Point of Sale

Point of Sale (POS) applications have been, and continue to be, a primary market segment focus for Vishay.

Vishay Distributor's system expertise and large selection of reference designs allow engineers to design smarter, more robust Embedded Systems systems that create safer and efficient environments for Embedded Systems market.

Vishay Featured Parts (2024/10/7):
Vishay Distributor & Vishay Electronic Components Supplier in China - NHE
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